Saturday, December 15, 2007


Single Speed at New Quarter.

Carlos has bike parts laying around like I have car parts, enough to build 3! He has been teasing me with some SS wheels, but wanted to keep the tires. Not having extra tires laying around, he generously agreed to let me use them this weekend. He failed to mention neither of the tubes hold air. I did have tubes.

New-to-me wheels installed, I pack up this morning to head for the EVMA group ride at NQ. Just in case I really hate this SS thing, the trusty Trek gets loaded too. Arriving about 9:45, the temperature was about 47deg., which is about right. Good riding weather. More people show up and we are a group. Kirk claims "I'm not leading this freight train!" So I railroad him by goofing around until he takes off, then I follow. Don't let his talk of Asthma and being old fool you, this guy can keep a good pace. We had a good lap with Kirk and I pulling away from the group. The trail was in excellent shape! The leaves are being ground into the trail nicely by all the traffic this park gets. With some moisture in the ground, the corners were quite tacky. With the trail in such good shape, I pulled out my geared bike and did 3 more laps. One of the laps was with Tim from New York. He visits family in the area from time to time, and comes out to ride when he can, nice guy. I think I was too slow for him. He was all over my wheel until he fell trying to avoid hitting me. I slipped in a corner as the trail was drying out. My last lap was a cool-down until "The Hulk" came up behind me. I let him go by since he caught me, then try to stay with him just as the rain starts. We finish the lap in a light drizzle. With chocolate milk on the mind, I head to Wawa.
So... how did I like the single speed? I cant say I fell in love, but it will certainly teach me alot. The two bikes are so different. The rim brakes are either on or off, no modulation, this will teach me some finesse on the brakes. With no gearing to keep cadence up, all climbs are done standing, this will teach my legs more power. With a lower cadence and more torque going through the cranks, the rear wheel spins out easier, especially on roots. This will teach me more finesse on pedaling. Keeping up momentum might be the biggest lesson, 'mo is your friend. Yes I have been spoiled by disc brakes, gears, Carbonfiber, and air filled suspension forks. I like being spoiled, but I like a challenge. I didn't fall love, maybe just interested in exploring this relationship further.

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