Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I went to a bike crash derby and a race broke out!

"Category 5" is the entry level into bike racing. Any Joe Shmoe can walk up and enter a race with little or even no prior experience. We all have to start somewhere right? Some of these guys must not even have ridden in group rides. Going into a corner 3 or 4 wide at 30 mph just inches from each other can be exhilarating! Most people want to upgrade to "Cat 4" as quick as possible to escape the inevitable carnage. 10 mass starts is the minimum to move up, then you can apply to the Virginia Cycling Association. I now have 5.
The first incident involved a real idiot purposely swerving at people. Eventually he rubbed a tire and went shooting through the grass. As the pack roared by his now all-terrain-ass, we all collectively shot him the bird. I heard him mumble something about our sexual orientation, and there was talk of finding him after. I heard he is banned from future races. Hopefully thats true.
The first real crash came when someone on the inside went too wide in the corner, and forced a couple dudes in the grass. They locked bars and went down. Inexperience played a factor in that one. The inside has to hold the line!
The worst of all came on the last lap, last corner. Everyone jumped at the same time, and I was in good position for a top 10. As the group of 20 or so starts sprinting, the guy directly in front of me skids his rear wheel and it blows! The guy beside him goes down on the asphalt, and I swerved into the grass to avoid it all. Everyone else sprinted to the finish.
Overall a good day (for me). I remained upright, for 15th place. Still improving and learning. Not content with 15th, but happy with my progress so far. The next Crit. is Tuesday night.

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