Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Snowballs chance in...

The Snowball Crit #2 was today at the Va.Bch. Sports complex. It was colder and the wind was stronger than #1, 2 weeks ago. Not as big a group this time, some people opting to do the Camp Hilbert mountainbike race near Richmond. With gas prices so high, the choice was easy. The Snowball is about 10 miles from Hickory, Camp Hilbert in Goochland is at least 100. That makes the butt-kicking I got today 1/10 the price! I figure I came out ahead.
Could you call getting lapped 2 times instead of 3 a improvement? Everyone knows I am the eternal optimist, except my wife, the people at work, and all my friends, so I'm saying the glass is half full of sports drink. Apparently every race is different. This time the pack took off like hades escaping bats at the word go. Everyone was so strung out it was hard to draft and stay on. If the guy in front of you lets a gap develop, you have to be aggressive and get around him now. Easier said than done.
Its early in the season. Riding after work will now become a possibility. I saw a improvement. Things will get better. Spring is coming. Flowers will bloom again. See... optimism.

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