Sunday, March 2, 2008

I'm easy like Sunday morning

Greg was nice enough to invite me to ride with him and a friend today. Planning to do the typical Saturday shop ride, I pull into the Bikebeat parking lot just before 10:00. Dave is already there, so I introduce myself. Soon Greg arrives and we are underway. The weather conditions seem identical to the day before, high 40's, sunny, winds 10-15 mph. The first half of the ride we had a tailwind, making us feel like supermen. Pulling 23-24mph felt very comfortable at some points. Feeling froggy on one of these pulls, I sprinted to a stop sign. At 30 mph Greg came around me. Seeing my defeat, we coasted to the intersection. This attack was a surprise, but not to far ahead is a bridge that usually brings out the best in everyone. Greg warned Dave he was going to pick up the pace, and soon we were traveling at 28mph. Thank goodness for the draft! Letting Greg blow himself up, I stayed tucked in until the bridge. Could he be passed? Not today.
Around the halfway point of the trip, we swing around and start heading into the wind. Superman was deflated. Greg pulled almost all the way back, which makes up for getting lost. Trying to head for the "Red Barn" in Pungo, we take a turn onto Muddy Creek, which we usually ride past. Missing another tun along the way, we end up back on Princess Anne. This adds 4 miles to our ride. Bonking at almost the same spot as the day before, I start struggling to keep up. Greg slows it down, and we make it back.
40 miles yesterday, 45 miles today, with wind both days? Yeah I'm happy with that. Still looking forward to some improvements in speed, power, and endurance. It will come with more riding, especially with Greg , the "Taskmaster". After a salad bar, Chicken and Pasta, I was ready for a shower! The Snowball Crit #2 is next Sunday. Will I be ready?

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