Sunday, January 25, 2009

Challenge withdrawn!

I hereby withdraw my challenge to Greg. The Jefferson Cup road race is the same date. This has priority over anything with running, and is a easy out for both of us. I am all about easy outs.
Now I have to get ready to ride and its 27 deg.! Meeting Rick, Dave, and Steve at Carols. This is my punishment for not riding yesterday. The radar showed rain very close and coming fast, and it was 47 deg. While 47 is quite balmy I will admit, the prospects of wet and 47 turned me off. I took the easy out and rode the trainer. Turned out sunny and warm, and everyone I encountered had to tell me how nice their ride was. How dare they enjoy themselves and tell me about it! I would rather hear how miserable you were from now on please.

1 comment:

MarkW said...

Ha! I did get in a ride yesterday, but left late thinking the 30% chance of rain decreased as the day wore on. Left at 10 and while coming back on Blackwater the light rain started, but I got in 47.

Enjoy the weather, Brian. Today is MY trainer ride!